REVO vs IQvia OCE vs Veeva vs other Traditional Pharma CRM

Spotlight On The Pharma CRM Landscape…

If you’re serious about growth and want to get the best results from your field force, you need the right CRM system

The basic function of any CRM system is to use automation to bring speed, efficiency, and visibility.

In the world of pharma, the CRM landscape is typically made up of traditional CRM systems from a local service provider and global big name brands.

Some pharma businesses have their own DIY in-house solution, although typically these have limited function and scope and hinder significant growth.

Pros and cons of traditional pharma CRM systems?

Traditional Pharma CRM systems from local service providers and in-house solutions tend to provide basic CRM functionalities and give some level of control and visibility to your sales force.

They are certainly an upgrade to paper-based systems and their biggest advantage is their inexpensive cost. They also provide limited visibility and basic control of the field force - normally via geo-tracking.

However, these solutions are famous for their poor helpdesk support, which typically features no direct access to the tech team. There are many hidden costs including hosting fees and any customization. Plus the geo-tracking technology used to track the field force can easily be manipulated or faked and induces bad morale.

Summary of the pros and cons of a traditional pharma CRM solution:


  • Digitalise documents for easier retrieval
  • Low $ investment
  • Provide a level of visibility
  • Basic control of field force


  • Lack of automation makes tracking processes and workflows impossible.
  • Multiple hidden costs:
    • Hosting
    • Helpdesk and support
    • Customization and issue-fixing
    • Implementation
  • Helpdesk support is poor
  • Geo-caching tracking of field force is ineffective and creates bad morale

Traditional Pharma CRM: Powered by REVO

At REVO we designed and launched our Traditional Pharma CRM: Powered by REVO to bring a competitive and fit-for-purpose CRM to the market in this low-budget space.

So, what do you get with Traditional Pharma CRM - powered by REVO?

  • You only pay once! It’s a flat one-off investment - rather than a subscription model!
  • The same high-quality standards as our famous RX-Driven REVO
  • Runs on the same scalable infrastructure
  • Integrates with your existing customer list or use REVO’s dynamic customer list
  • Best-in-class customer list central management with an in-built audit function
    • Seamless and trackable addition of new customers - avoiding customer duplication and ensuring the customer is relevant.
  • Easily track different field force activities in one dashboard
  • Free hosting and maintenance - so you don’t have to pay for this separately
  • Easy optional upgrade to 24/7 REVO customer support
Bag this 50% offer while it lasts!
Right now, you can get our Traditional Pharma CRM - Powered by REVO for a one-off flat payment of $5,000. This is a saving of 50% and we’re not sure how long we’ll be running this offer for, so [click here] today to book a call with our team.

Pros and cons of a global pharma CRM brand such as Veeva and Iqvia OCE?

A global pharma CRM solution looks the part. Coming from well-established brands, these big budget options normally have an underpinning philosophy that can have a positive impact on your workforce.

The pros of a big brand name option is that it does offer advanced premium features like remote detailing and multi-channel and has the capacity to integrate into your existing infrastructure.

But of course the big disadvantage is the cost - it leaves a big dent in your budget. And it takes months, sometimes years, to set up. Plus, it’s designed for a huge enterprise and lacks the flexibility and adaptability to provide exactly what you need. (In the case of Veeva and Iqvia OCE this is exacerbated by the fact that the system is built on the top of Salesforce platform, which adds complexity and cost and reduces flexibility).

IQVia OCE Weakness


  • Reliable well-established providers
  • Unlike local solutions, they have an underlying philosophy or motivational element that can inspire your workforce
  • Provides a CLM function
  • Advanced features including remote detailing, multi-channel
  • Access to basic support


  • Long implementation - it takes months, even years to implement
  • High cost, especially for e-detailing, and also lots of hidden costs
  • 24/7 helpdesk and support is costly
  • Lacks essential workflows including HCP dynamic management and detailing adoption excellence
  • Features like multi-channel and remote detailing have side effects - the most serious being that they distract from getting the main job done.
  • Complex, inflexible, and might need to hire dedicated engineers for custimsation
  • Don’t identify suspicious activity, low-quality visits, or high-quality ones.

Put your salesforce on the right track
to win more Rx

Explore the AI-powered sales enablement platform for Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals

Whether you want to accelerate product launches, build a predictable Rx revenue stream, or acquire a powerful salesforce -- it's all possible. We will show you how!

So, what’s the alternative to Veeva and Iqvia OCE?

REVO is a sales enablement platform designed to put your field force on the right track to win more Rx.

While we offer packages that include a pharma CRM, you can also use REVO alongside your existing CRM or even without one.

Unlike global solutions, REVO is tailored to meet your specific needs, making it a more affordable and effective option.

  1. You save money - while also winning more sales!

    There’s no question that e-detailing is the secret power of the pharma sales force - and with REVO RX you can produce sophisticated detail aids quickly and easily for zero cost.

    (In our research, top performing sales reps were found to be three times more likely to use multiple detail aids in a single physician visit than their peers)

    Plus you can easily generate special reports at the click of the mouse for zero cost - giving you accurate real-time data so you can make better decisions.

  2. Your reps become expert e-detail presenters

    Because e-detailing is at the core of the platform’s automated workflows and processes, reps have to do e-detailing at every visit in order for it to register on the system. Lots of practice means they get very good at it!

    Our research also shows that integrating or ‘embedding’ e-detailing into the workflow leads directly to more sales - our customers have the sales results to prove it!

  3. Field force visibility - at a glance

    REVO’s AI algorithm carefully calculates the quality of each visit - enabling you to note high-quality visits as well as automatically flagging any suspicious visits. This is a good solution for both you and your field force - because it rewards hard work but flags up anyone trying to ‘beat the system’.

  4. A dynamic CRM system - with workflows and processes for first-line managers

    Staff turnover, physician changes - there are lots of updates crucial for maximising the performance of your field force.

    Rather than rely on uploading excel sheets or notes, our Revo Dynamic CRM solution enables sales reps to make new additions and amendments, which are then automatically flagged for managers to review/approve - generating better visibility for everyone and enables REVO’s AI function to create more accurate automated KPIs for your field force.

    Also, the medical reps' personal input into recording better data gives them more control and accountability.

  5. Access to help desk and support 24/7 for every user, free of charge

    One of the things our customers constantly mention is our help desk and support. We don’t just set everything up and leave you to it… your success is our success. We are on hand 24-7 to make sure that everything works smoothly.

Revo VS Global Pharma CRMs
Head-to-head comparison whitepaper

We have created a whitepaper that covers in detail where REVO stands vs other global solutions (e.g IQvia OCE, Veeva, ... etc). To get your copy, please fill out the form below:

REVO Use Cases
When it comes to pharmaceuticals & nutraceuticals, REVO can help you do various jobs at the same time
Accelerate Product Launches

Planning a new product launch and want to get the most out of it?

REVO can be highly effective in helping you plan, launch, and visualize demand generation and earnings firsthand.

Learn More
Attract Renowned Brands

Looking to broaden your portfolio with the premier products from around the globe?

REVO comes pre-equipped with a set of functionalities and KPIs that can help you (with the assistance of our consultants) to craft an effective positioning.

Learn More
Sales Driven Marketing

Traditionally, life sciences conduct marketing and promotion activities in semi-isolation from sales figures.

With REVO, you can seamlessly align your marketing strategy and commercial operations with sales-inspired metrics, ensuring a more cohesive and effective approach.

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Alternative To Geofencing

Geofencing induces miss trust, bad morale, and cripples daily field force activities!

A better alternative should induce prescription-driven awareness and mindset.

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